Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms and Detox
When someone has a severe injury, they may experience chronic pain that won’t go away. In these situations, the person may be prescribed a painkiller by their doctor. Some painkillers might have a substance called oxycodone. While it’s an extremely effective pain reliever, it can also be habit forming and result in substance abuse. When somebody has a substance abuse problem with oxycodone, they need to get help to get off of the medication immediately. Getting off of the medication is not the end of the problem, though. In fact, it’s just the beginning. The person will then go through the process of withdrawal. Here is everything you need to know about oxycodone withdrawal. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
What is Oxycodone?
Oxycodone is a powerful opioid used as a main ingredient in some popular painkillers. Some of the most widely used medications with the substance include Oxycontin and Percocet. While effective in eliminating pain, it is a substance known for a high possibility of causing dependence in the people who use it. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
Symptoms of Substance Abuse or Addiction
Many people are prescribed medication with oxycodone for legitimate reasons. How do you know if you or someone you love has a problem? Here are some signs of substance abuse or addiction:
- Using the medication more often than prescribed
- Getting medication through sources other than a doctor
- Selling personal items or stealing to get money to buy medication
- Nodding off constantly
- Not being able to make it through your daily routine
- Constantly talking about getting more medication
- Driving while on the medication
It’s important to remember that absolutely anyone can develop a substance abuse or addiction problem with oxycodone. Many people who suffer through substance abuse or addiction are professionals who never thought that they would find themselves in that position. Refrain from judgement. Just because a person has a problem, doesn’t mean that they aren’t a valuable part of society. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
Talking to Someone about Getting Help
When someone has a problem, they need to get help immediately. People can lose years of their life to substance abuse and addiction, or even lose their entire life if the problem is left untreated. However, it can be difficult to talk to someone you think needs help. When you decide to bring it up, try to keep it discreet at first to avoid them feeling embarrassed. Ask them if they’ve noticed anything different about their behavior. Ask them if they need help. Ask them if there’s anything that you can do to support them and get them help. If the person is unresponsive, consider something more like an intervention to show them just how bad the problem is. If they do finally decide that they need to get treatment, make it a positive thing. It’s the first step to a much better life. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
Symptoms of Withdrawal
Withdrawal symptoms and duration can vary based on the individual, how long the person was taking oxycodone, and how severe the substance abuse or addiction was. Withdrawal can be mild or serious enough to be potentially deadly. Some of the most common symptoms of withdrawal include: Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
- Gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea)
- Depression/ anxiety
- Sweating
- Shaking
- Aches and pains
Going Through Withdrawal
One of the biggest problems with withdrawal is that many people will go back to oxycodone to stop the discomfort and pain of the withdrawal. For the safety of the client, it is best for them to experience this in an environment that can help them cope through the process. It can start just hours after using. The worst of the symptoms come a couple of days after last using the substance. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
At a treatment facility, the staff has the ability to evaluate the problem to determine the severity of a client’s withdrawal. They also have access to a variety of resources, including medications and therapy that might help to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal. . One of the most popular medications to assist with withdrawal is Suboxone or Subutex. Any person going trough treatment should only use the medication under the care of a professional to prevent them from developing a dependence on the new substance. If possible, it’s best not to use the medication at all, but that depends on the client. Most facilities also offer individual therapy, group therapy, and even family therapy. This therapy can help with any psychological problems that might be contributing to the substance abuse or addiction problem. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
The final thing to remember is that once the client has completed treatment for the withdrawal, they may still have emotional stressors to deal with. When someone is addicted to a substance, it can cause them to do things that they normally wouldn’t do to themselves as well as loved ones. They will then need to handle the guilt from their actions. While it’s important for the client to move on and do their best to redeem themselves, they may need additional therapy to help cope with their negative emotions resulting from their substance abuse. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
Alternative Pain Management Methods
For some clients with serious injuries, the pain will come back after they are off of the oxycodone. After recovery, using similar painkillers are no longer a viable option. Luckily, there are plenty of other options to help people manage their pain without medication. Some of those options include:
- Acupuncture
- Physical therapy
- Weight loss
- Hot and cold treatments
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
It’s a good idea to have a pain management plan before leaving a detox center so that the pain doesn’t lead you back to the same destructive behavior. Remember that the best pain management plan involves a commitment by the client. A positive attitude and a determination to live a healthier life are the two most effective ingredients in managing pain without oxycodone. After-care is important to keep yourself on the right path. Have a sponsor or therapist that you can talk to when cravings start to come back. Many people who have gotten clean say that despite being clean the cravings never went away. You need to prepare for this. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
St John’s Recovery Place can help you or your loved one on the right path by first helping you through the oxycodone withdrawal and detox phase, and continuing to support you through recovery thereafter. Please call today to get the help you or a loved one needs. It could be a matter of life and death. Buy Oxycodone Oxycontin 30mg for sale online in Australia
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